Cocaine Overdose
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Cocaine Overdose

Cocaine OverdoseIt is considered a cocaine overdose when the effects of cocaine use cause a serious health emergency that may or may not result in death. The amount of cocaine it takes to cause an overdose is different for every person and depends on the purity of the cocaine ingested, the tolerance of the user, the physical condition of the user and whether or not the person may have any pre-existing health conditions, such as heart problems, seizure disorders, history of stroke, etc. Because there are a lot of differences in toxic or deadly doses, some cocaine users can die after consuming even the smallest dose while others may survive after using very large amounts of cocaine.

Some doctors estimate that 1.2 grams of cocaine, when used orally, and 750-800 milligrams, when used intravenously or by inhaling, is fatal. It is unknown how much cocaine is fatal when sniffed.

The causes of a fatal cocaine overdose are:

  • Respiratory problems: resulting in respiratory failure.
  • Disturbance of the heart and blood vessel system: A cocaine overdose can lead to a strong irregular functioning of the heart, and eventually failure of the heart. It can cause high blood pressure, and as a result, bleeding in the brain leading to a greater possibility of death by brain hemorrhage.
  • Repeated convulsions: which can happen in such quick succession that consciousness cannot be restored.

Someone who is suffering from a cocaine overdose will display symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, muscle cramps, seizures, paranoia, psychosis, confusion, loss of control of movement, vomiting, lack of consciousness, and possibly cardiac arrest. It can also result in a fatal condition known as excited delirium.

Mixing cocaine with other substances greatly increases the risk of cocaine overdose. The most common cause of death from cocaine overdose is respiratory failure. Respiratory failure due to a cocaine overdose is more common when a depressant drug such as heroin has been taken in addition to using cocaine. Cocaine is also particularly dangerous when mixed with alcohol. Combining the two drugs creates a substance known as cocaethylene, which strengthens the high of cocaine and increases the risk of sudden death in the user.

It is important to act rationally and fast when someone has a cocaine overdose. When the user is anxious or restless, try to calm him down. Bring him to a quiet place and never react to his delusions. It will only make him more restless. Try to talk about something else. If you notice heart or respiratory problems, contact a doctor.

Cocaine Overdose
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